Believe it or not, credit cards are becoming a way of life for us children of the new age. From the Stone Age to the Golden Age, our generation has achieved a lot on craftsmanship using plastic, enough for our age to be called the Plastic Age. This is evidenced by the plastic wonders mankind produced using his skills and imagination. From this point of view, look at how we transact. We use a simple plastic card in purchasing large volumes of merchandise or even cars and apartments.
Now this is the challenge the children of the plastic age are facing. The power that the plastic card holds is very tempting, sort of the ring which Middle Earth from the Lord of the Rings symbolizes. "One card to rule them; One card to bind them." Once you have that plastic card, you are made to believe you are limitless and you can have anything that you want. But this is not always the case.
Credit card companies are looking and experimenting on strategies to attract new customers to their offers and advertisements: no interest rate credit, no balance transfer fees, no annual fees and all those jazz. The most interesting of all offers mentioned is the no interest rate. Why? Imagine paying late on credits without being charged a single cent. Oh yes, this is absolutely enticing. But hold on there. Remember? Credit cards are still business-oriented companies. So they mean business with you. Don't expect this offer to be that simple.
In most cases of credit card that do not have interest rates, annual fees and transfer balance are very high. This is for compensation, a sort of balancing the company does to stay on business. Aside from the compensation technique, this offer is very dreamy and like all dreams, they end when we wake up. Yes, it's temporary - ranging from 6 to 12 months.
Be sure that you have read and understood fully the contract statements. Be wise. Don't allow yourself to be in a mess that is avoidable in the first place.
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